Category: Synth DIY
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 7 – Voltage Controlled Amplifier, White Noise Source, and Final Assembly
In this 7th part of the Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth analysis, we’ll build the last two circuit sections and finish the PCB assembly. We started with the power supply and audio amplifier sections back in Part 2, and went on to build the VCO, LFO, ARG, and VCF circuits. We now turn our attention to…
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 6 – Voltage Controlled Filter
So far in this multi-part series on the MFOS Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Analog Synthesizer, we built and analyzed the Audio Amplifier, VCO, LFO, and AREG circuits. We were able to explore some neat frequency modulation effects by using the LFO and AREG to mess with the VCO Frequency. Now, let’s step this up a notch…
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 5 – Attack Release Envelope Generator
Adding an LFO to modulate our VCO‘s frequency has already made our synth much more interesting. Let’s step things up a notch by adding another CV source – an AREG or Attack Release Envelope Generator. This is part 5 of a multi-part series about the MFOS Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Analog Synthesizer. Make sure to check…
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 4 – Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) Circuit Analysis
Previously in this multi-part series on the Music from Outer Space Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Analog Synthesizer, we built and analyzed the main Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) circuit. The VCO can be modulated by the Attack Release Envelope Generator (AREG) and the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO). In this blog post we will build and analyze the…
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 3 – CV Mixer, Expo. Converter, and VCO
The Noise Toaster is built around a ramp core analog oscillator which acts as the synth’s main signal source. The frequency can be modulated by control voltages from various sources – this makes it a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). In this article, we take an in-depth look at how the Noise Toaster’s VCO circuit functions.…
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 2 – Power Supply and Audio Power Amplifier
Previously in this series of posts, we looked at the Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Analog Synth at a block diagram level and introduced the PCB layout and enclosure for the _electroidiot version of this classic synth by Ray Wilson of Music from Outer Space. We now begin building the Noise Toaster by ensuring that the correct…
Noise Toaster Lo-Fi Synth Build and Analysis: Part 1 – Introduction
The Noise Toaster is a Lo-Fi analog synthesizer designed by the late Ray Wilson of Music from Outer Space. The project is covered in Wilson’s excellent book “Make: Analog Synthesizers” as an ideal starting point in the world of Synth DIY. As I have been learning about the basics of synthesizer circuits, I decided to…